Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Young & The Wristless Part 2

Quick update on my wrist pain because I know there are a few other Mom's out there with similar issues. First, the pain is not gone and if anything its worse. I am breaking object and knocking things over on a regular basis because it seems my fine motor skills are pretty gone in the left hand. Just typing is hard so I do alot of things one handed.
Second, I went through our insurance provider, change my primary care physician, and got a second opinion. HALLELUJAH the new Dr. told me she I either have horrible carpal tunnel or really really bad tendinitis. She is pretty sure its carpal tunnel, and said it could even be both. But the happy part is (drum roll please.....) she referred me to an orthopedic hand specialist! They will conduct some nerve point tests to determine exactly where the pain is coming from and which parts of my wrist are affected. Then we will talk about treatment plans and pain management! Surgery being the most severe option, and steroid shots mixed with therapy on the lower end. Either way, I will have some sort of plan in place to get better and no more of this "ice it and take a tylenol" crap!
I am still breastfeeding which will limit some of my treatment options, but according to my new Dr. who is 6 months pregnant herself, it in no way means that I have to continue living with the pain and lack of motion I am dealing with right now. She couldn't believe I spent a good part of my pregnancy and these last 9 months just using a brace and tylenol. I was just thanking God that someone finally stopped to listen and help me!
I will update again after I see the specialist....... for now, I don't think I can type much more before my hand gives out on me for the night, so toodles ya'll!

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