1- knee pads for praying
2- endless supply of patience
3- a good coffee pot and a cupboard always stocked with coffee
4- the ability to laugh through the tough stuff (to keep from crying)
5- a heart that is willing to put the needs of others before yourself
(because we all know that is what real love is)
6- A strong stomach
7- if all else fails or you lack one of the above, resort to number 1 till the others come...
The following story is true- the names have been changed to protect my child from being harassed about her toddler shenanigans the rest of her life. Dinner is done, the sun is setting and I am in the midst of cleaning up our meal, when baby D decides he needs to eat. If you know baby D you know he is quite the eater and that his meals better be delivered hot, fresh and out of the boob on demand. I pick him up and nurse him on the couch while Ms. R runs around the living room dancing to her favorite Princess Sofia song. After he eats he of course poo's so we walk to the back to change him. He is laughing and giggling- why do little boys think that the noises their body makes are so funny? His bum is clean and we are walking back down the hallway when his reflux hits and covers us both in nasties. I head back to the bedroom and put him in a clean onesie; while hollering down the hallway to check on Ms. R. "You ok R?"
She screams back "Mommy I watching Fia, I'm okaaaaay". So lil D and I do a quick wardrobe change and head back to the living room. Before I even enter I know little miss potty has pooed her pants! She runs over and says "Hey Mom look!" to my amazement she had smeared that poo up and down her legs. This is one of those mommy moments when "Oh my goodness" doesn't quite capture your emotion. I set the baby down in his jumperoo- rolled up my sleeves, filled the tub 1/2 way with hot water and 1/2 way with dial soap ( new mom tip- buy the bulk container of dial and keep it under your bathroom cabinet for occasions such as this- your turn is coming my friend) I pealed off her clothes and dropped her in. Then comes that question NO Parent should ever ask a toddler, but when you are angry and the house smells like poo it is just the first thing that instinctively pops into your head "Ms. R, WHY DID YOU SMEAR POO ALL OVER YOURSELF!!?"
When dealing with toddlers one should NEVER start a sentence with "Why did you ____?" Because the answer is this..... because they are 2!!! Two year old's do not have the ability to reason like adults do. I might as well have been a caveman banging a club on the ground screaming "you toddler ...why you go poop?" and the answer would be the same- because she is 2! Ms. R finished up her bath & Daddy came home just in time to give mommy a time out to collect herself, & lil D a break because by this point he was very upset and ready to be held.
We wrapped up the night at bedtime with snuggles, clean pjs, hugs and prayers. I know days like today are sometimes overwhelming.... but I also know toddlers have been doing totally insane things like this since Adam and Eve. I sat on the couch with Joe after both kids were in bed and said "Geez babe, I feel defeated" he looked at me and held my leg and said "Why? You are raising our two beautiful, healthy children. It isn't an easy job but you are great at it. So, today was hard.... tomorrow might be too, but no one is better suited to care for them than you." WHAT an amazing ministry my husband is to me. He is exactly right, I may have had a hard time capping my anger today but a total stranger would have lost it. LOVE is the key ingredient in child rearing that keeps the wheels greased and moving. No matter the struggles of the day I am so grateful we end every day with a snuggle and a prayer. Giving God full glory for the gifts in our lives, because that is exactly what our children are and I wouldn't trade them for anything--- poo and all!
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