From the moment I found out I was carrying you, I
couldn't have been more excited. Me and your Daddy had decided to try
for a second baby, and God saw fit to bless us with you! Right off the
bat, your pregnancy was very different from Reagan's, I prayed and
prayed and prayed for you daily.... and God told me that you were a
special gift specifically for your daddy. At the time I didn't know if
that meant you would be a boy, or a girl... if you would look just like
your daddy, or act just like him... but I knew you were specially made
to fill a need of his I couldn't.

Those first days were rough, I
was incredibly nauseous until week 20 and lost weight way before I
started to gain it. About the time my nausea went away, Dr. Brandl
informed us that we would be welcoming a baby BOY into our arms soon!
You were already snuggled deep into my heart, but I dreamed of the day I
would hold you in my arms and feel your soft skin against mine. I
imagined what you would look like, I dreamed about it... I even made
playful bets with family about what color your hair & eyes would be.
Around week 24, the Doctors began to notice that you were growing much
faster than other babies your age. I like to think that you were just in
a race to meet me too! They monitored this closely and by week 34 you
were measuring 40 weeks in length and 6.5 lbs! This is when things got
tricky... my body was really tired from carrying your full size self
around and chasing after your sister Reagan. I began to have
contractions - lots of them but without any real pattern. After a trip
to Labor & Delivery, they diagnosed me with an "irritable uterus". I
was told to try and take it easy so we could keep you in the oven past
Christmas. I ended up in L&D again a few days before Christmas
because the contractions were so painful that I couldn't do much of
anything and they seemed to be consistent. My OB was out of town and the
Dr. on call didn't feel comfortable bringing you into the world yet, so
I was instructed to go home and velcro my bottom to the couch till my
next appointment. I sat very anxiously on the couch all of Christmas.At
this point I had lots of people praying you would come, because I was
nervous there was more going on that what the Dr's knew. I was nervous
and frustrated but I fully believed that God was in control and that He
had a very special birth date picked out for you before you were ever
conceived. A huge part of me wanted you to be there for Christmas, to
share that special celebration with you! But, the other part of me saw
it as a gift that Reagan got one last Christmas as a "single child" with
just us before you came and stole all the attention.

28th I went in for my check up, and my blood pressure was remarkably
elevated. Dr. Brandl walked into the room and said "So, how soon are you
ready to have this baby? It is time!". With your sister I had a very
rare condition called Pre-Eclampsia, in the olden days this was very
serious; now it is just something that needs to be closely monitored and
usually brings babies into the old a wee bit early. The first sign of
Pre-E is a high blood pressure, so to avoid any further complications
Dr. Brandl decided we needed to deliver you right away. I told her I was
ready as soon as she needed me to be, she requested that we arrive back
at the hospital that night at 10pm for an augmentation. I left the
appointment around 3 in the afternoon, drove home to meet your Dad and
Reagan, packed up our bags and headed over to Lala and Grandee's house
for dinner. Lala & Grandee helped us put Reagan to bed and get the
car loaded. Your Dad and I left Lala and Grandee's and got to the
hospital around 9:45 just in time to bow our heads and pray together
before this next chapter began.

Las Palmas hospital was
fabulous, they had a nice little room arranged for us and all the
appropriate labels were set out for Mommys allergies & Pre-E
warning. Our room was spacious and cozy, there was a TV and a lounger
chair for Daddy and a cozy baby bed for you set up in the corner. I was
so excited I couldn't wait for labor to begin! I was 3cm dilated at my
appointment earlier that day so they considered this an "augmentation"
not an induction but for both they still use pitocin. This was my first
experience with pitocin and boy is it something that should not be taken
lightly... ouch! By 12 my contractions really got rolling and by 4am I
was asking for an epidural. I got my epidural at 4:35am, I am not
ashamed of my choice to use modern medicine, I believe toughing it out
within your own pain limits is awesome and that everyone knows their
limits. I hit mine at 4:35 :-) at 9am they broke my water and I was
still only 4cm dilated. At 10:00 Your sister, Lala, and Grandee came by
for a quick visit before they took Reagan to breakfast. It was such a
treat to snuggle your sister and see her sweet face! Shortly after they
left at 10:30 I was feeling a ton of pressure and I could feel you
moving into place, the nurse came to check me and I was 8cm. Your heart
rate started to jump around like a mexican jumping bean- so they put me
on oxygen to try and help you. I got really nervous and scared so I closed my
eyes and prayed and prayed. At 11:00 I knew it was time to push and I
sent your dad to find the nurse. They nurse came in and I was 10cm and
you were nearly here. She ran out and called Dr. Brandl to come quickly.
Dr. Brandl arrived and I pushed through 2 contractions and then you
were in my arms! 11:21am YOU Dawson Robert Perry entered the world 20
inches 7lbs 7oz. Your chord had been wrapped around your neck which
explained so much, it explained why you didn't drop when you should
have- why you were only 7lbs 7oz (when they predicted about 9lbs, but
you only gained 1lb 2 oz the last month you were in my belly) your poor
little body was so tangled up that you weren't getting the things you
needed to keep growing. You also had issues swallowing the first few
days because your esophagus and face were bruised from the chord. Most
of your issues have subsided now, but you do have gastro-esophagial
reflux that may or may not go away as you get older. I have changed my
diet to try and help you and so far so good. You are an AWESOME baby...
completely adorable and sweet. You hardly ever cry, you love to sleep
and eat, and your smile lights up the entire room. Everything you sister
does makes you smile! It has been two glorious months now and I can't
imagine my life without you sweet boy. You have brought so much to our
family, and as predicted you not only look just like your daddy, but you
are the first grandson born with the Perry name. Your father is so
happy that his lineage is secure and he has someone to watch European
Football with!

Looking back things make so much sense now. I
believe God knew that you were in distress and that despite my trips to
Labor & Delivery the doctors couldn't see what was going on. He knew
that if my blood pressure went up they would have to bring you, so that
is what had to happen. You my precious red haired, blue eyed angel- God
has an investment in you. God planned every wrinkle in your face, and
crinkle in your nose. He ordained a path for the course of your life and
the fact that I was chosen to help Him bake you is an honor. You are
perfectly imperfect, you are precious, and you are loved!