Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Shape of A Mother

In my life I have held many shapes... many weights... and many lbs! I grew up struggling with my weight, was teased and ridiculed for it, battled an eating disorder trying to control it... and eventually learned to just embrace the shape God gave me.

 "There is a season and a purpose to all things under the heavens" Ecl 3:1

None of these shapes I have held was I more proud to bear than the shape of a Mother. The beautiful journey from flat belly to full belly because God is perfecting His creation inside you is in my opinion the second most amazing miracle on earth! (The first being Jesus of course) The following is my photo diary of the shape Dawson gave me during his stay in my belly. 

10 BIG Updates!

Since I last updated TONS has happened. We are so very very blessed. Praise God from whom all blessings flow- so here it goes..... 

1. I am now 26 (ouch it hurts..... even just to type it... I still feel 21!)

2. Reagan is now 2 :-) Yay for parenting a toddler and all its beautiful challenges.

3. Joe has taken command of his second Company here at Ft. Bliss 
4. We announced the arrival of Baby #2 
5. We found out  Baby #2 was a BOY 
6. My Beautiful Sister moved to NYC 
(Where she routinely runs into famous people Casey, The Jonas Brothers, & Devin)

7. We celebrated Christmas with my parents for the last time before we PCS from El Paso 
8. We welcomed a very eager to arrive Dawson into the world at 37.5 weeks due to early Pre-E Symptoms
(Blog about his delivery coming soon) 
9. Although he is thriving and growing well, Dawson was diagnosed last week (@6wks) with severe Reflux 
(this also needs its own blog post)

10. Joe & I just celebrated our 5th Valentines together (3 years of marriage, 2 kids, and tons of love!)