Saturday, August 6, 2011

21 years young.....

   In honor of my baby sister who is turning 21 in about 3 hours, I wanted to recap some of my favorite memories of her growing up. (Yes the above photo is us in my mothers silk night gowns.... I believe this was about the time Mulan came out and we thought we were Geisha's)

   My sister and I are about as opposite in most ways as night and day. In many aspects she is the Yin to my Yang. That being said, my sister entered the world in quite a hurry, yet fashionably two weeks late, August the 7th 1990. It was just under 90 minutes from the time my mother's water broke to the minute my sisters new born cry rang out at the hospital. This left my poor mother completely without drugs to ease the pain of a 9 lbs 11oz baby girl. I was the very eager and excited "Big Sister" who had waited an entire 9 months at my mothers side wishing and dreaming of the day I would hold my baby sister in my arms, the hours we would spend playing and hugging, and the companionship of having a sibling. Little did I know, Devin had other plans!

    Devin did not like to be hugged and cuddled.In fact, she pretty much wanted very little to do with me.  At a very early age she learned the words "No" and "Go Away".. so much for that playmate.... LOL!  I have never been one to give up easily, and I was sure my persistence would pay off eventually, and Devin would magically open  her personal bubble to me. I'm still waiting Devin.... 

   But seriously; a table spoon of guarded nature, and heap of determination, and maybe even a cup or two of stubbornness is part of why Devin is such a successful driven woman today. She conquers the largest of tasks, with not only an amazing attitude, but she juggles good grades at the same time. Since she started at Baylor she has never taken less than 18 hours a semester. She is a very active THETA, she was social chair, and is now VP. She works two jobs, and still finds time to stay sane. She will graduate in May with a Degree in Public Relations and Marketing and a Minor in Journalism. I couldn't be more proud.... so Devin, I forgive you for  not letting me dress you up and hug on you in public. 

Soon, I had given up on my classical romantic ideals of how sisterhood should be, skipping through flowery fields holding hands, playing hopscotch and sharing ice cream, braiding each others hair.... etc. Because at this point Devin's determination took a whole new turn some of my favorite memories are laying on the bed with our mom watching movies. Mom would propose what she called "5 for 5" you scratch her back for 5 minutes and then she does yours. Well.... Devin decided to ask for quarters instead of turns. She quickly learned there were ways to make money around the house if she would just ask. This paying for back rubs led to Devin regularly cleaning out her toy box and closet and holding "yard sales" of the items she no longer played with. If we had family come and stay she would sell off toys to cousins. I remember one time in particular where she sold my collectors edition barbie cards to a friend and my mother had to call the girls parents and ask for the cards back because they weren't Devin's to sell. I laugh about it now, because I see that God put a drive for success and monetary security in my sister that I never had. Its a good thing though because my sisters taste in labels is equal to her appetite for money. You can't have one without the other, its like me and my thighs.... they have a serious appetite for chocolate, and I have the chocolate to thank for my thighs! 

   One thing my beautiful sister will never admit to is her love for spandex pants as a child. I wish I had photographic proof, I may have to call up my mom and beg for one. Us Etzold kiddos were all homeschooled for a large majority of our lives. The beauty of homeschooling with a Father who is self employed is you get to travel in a suburban with a pop-up trailer for weeks on end. Talk about tangible learning environments, we learned about the Declaration of Independence by seeing Washington DC, and we learned how sulfur reacts with hot water and minerals by visiting Yellowstone National Park. Well, on many of these fabulous trips my sisters favorite thing to wear were these black and neon green striped spandex leggings. We used to call her Wild Woman, because with that same stubborn determined nature she would insist on dressing herself, and her colorful concoctions rivaled Rainbow Bright. Now, today my sisters passion for fashion has developed into a much more exquisite and refined taste. She competed and made the finals in Miss El Paso two years ago, and she was voted one of Baylors prettiest ladies by her fellow students last year. 

Now, as she faces her 20's. She is looking forward into her future post graduation and trying to decipher God's plan for her life..... I from an arms reach away have a few tips of advice: 
* Never settle for less ( in relationships, jobs, etc, you are a precious gift to the world! Remember it!) 

*The finest clothing you can find is strength and dignity (Proverbs 31:25

*The Lord will carry you much further than any vehicle. 

* Time heals all wounds, but scars will remain

*Guard your heart, strings attach easier than you think 

* Take time to enjoy the small blessings, everyday God is shouting His love for you. Be-it the bird you woke up to singing outside your window. The green lights you happen to get the entire way to school when you were running late. The pair of shoes you have been wanting that magically went on sale.God is constantly looking for ways to remind you He is watching you and He knows the desires of your heart. 

* (with that being said...) Don't ask God for things unless you are sure that is what you want. I believe fully now, it is much better to pray "God please align my heart with Your will, and help me to want what You desire." Too many times I prayed for something specific and I got it, but later realized it was not what I wanted or needed! 

* Your words have power! Edify yourself :-) 

* Always remember I love you (STTE) 

Happy Birthday Devin! Cheers (since you can legally do that now) to 21 beautiful magical years with more memories than I have time to type. May God bless you with many many more birthdays. I can't wait to grow old with you!  (There is my sappy romantic side again) 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Serving God & My Family By Taking Out The Trash....

I am a firm believer that there are certain jobs around that house that are "boy" jobs and other things that are "girl" jobs. I may be old fashioned in this belief, but what else do you expect from a Southern Texas Tart? One boy job in particular that I frequently find myself helping Joe accomplish is taking out the garbage and recycling. I know he has crazy hours during the week sometimes. I know he works so I can stay home with Roo, but some how I have really struggled with my attitude when I ask him to take out the garbage and recycling, and he forgets, or procrastinates. Then both become overflowing mountains in the kitchen so I end up doing it. Recently ( this past week) I have committed myself to finding a joyful way of looking at things. There are several verses in the bible that instruct us to serve God by serving others. So, my new attitude adjustment is, I am serving my Lord, and my Family by taking out the trash. (This attitude adjustment is also applicable to picking up after husbands and putting down the toilet seat because they didn't) I am hoping I am not the only wife out there who struggles with this, so I have compiled a few verses that I have used to help me turn frustration into joy.

"Rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man" Ephesians 6:7

"Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus" Philippians 2:3-4 

"But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.” 
2Chronicles 15:7 

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 

Now, metaphorically.... there will always be times in life when we need to clean out the clutter, take out the garbage, and re-align our lives with God's will. I guess in this case my re-alignment came figuratively and literally! 

Be Blessed, 